The AOP Costières de Nîmes, an exceptional terroir with a bright future

It is a sun-drenched land, a land marked by water. The AOP Costières de Nîmes is part of the Rhône Valley vineyard with a production of 50% red wines, 40% rosés and 10% whites. This is the singularity of this AOP with three colours, where the winegrowers showcase their know-how with passion. Some 70% of the appellation’s wine production bears the Organic and HEV (High Environmental Value) designations. The 2022 vintage expresses great quality with a nice freshness in the whites and rosés, while the reds are still marked by a pretty colour, very tempting aromas and tannins.

Beautiful bottles make great gifts! There’s still plenty of time to build up your cellar in anticipation of the Christmas holidays. Meanwhile, enjoy a glass or bottle at the table of the Costières de Nîmes "ambassador" chef restaurateurs. Vincent Croizard, the talented Nîmes chef suggests remarkable food/wine pairings.

Take note! Raw and cooked mushrooms from the undergrowth are combined with miso in a clear Petits Paris broth, and a creamy egg, to be served with the “La Muse” (2021) white from the Gallician Signature cellar. The "Les Agapans" (2019) red from Domaine de Poulvarel is perfect on a beef fillet marinated in Panniyoor pepper, then roasted in a clear hay juice, accompanied by a creamy sweet and sour tartlet, with "green and purple" beans in a hearty sauce.

For the grand finale, try the pumpkin pie with pecan crumble or the pumpkin sorbet with orange zest and a pumpkin seed biscuit, all delicately accompanied by "Idole" (2021), a Château Beaubois white wine made from four Rhone grape varieties. A full festive menu! Many other delicacies are awaiting you, lovingly prepared by artisans of taste, the creators of emotions, on this Camargue soil caressed by the majestic Rhône River.


SCA Gallician Signature - www.gallician.com
Château Beaubois – www.chateau-beaubois.com
Domaine de Poulvarel – www.domainedepoulvarel.com
Vincent Croizard Restaurant – www.restaurantcroizard.com
AOP Costières de Nîmes – www.costieres-nimes.org

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