About 15 km from Carcasonne, don’t miss out on Lastours. It’s a charming village that’s elements make up an exceptional place at the heart of the Montagne Noir (Black Mountain). Four castles, Cabaret, Surdespine, Quertinheux and Tour Régine, were built on the rocky peaks that look out over the countryside and the Orbiel and Grésihou lowlands. They have functioned as the gate to Cabardés and the Montagne Noir since the Middle Ages ; their importance was critical during the crusade against the Albigeois. The lords united their forces to support the Cathares up until 1229 when they were definitively abandoned and the magnificent buildings are now classified as historic monuments. The site is accessible via the ancient sheet-making village Rabier as well as from the Belvédère de Montfermier, both entrances offer spectacular views.
The medieval village of Cabaret is another spot not to be missed. It was an important Cathare stronghold that resisted the crusaders and today a site of archeological digs. After discovering these hidden gems head to the Michelin stared restaurant at the foot of the four castles.